The Camberley Society

Serving the Community since 1982

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Council and Camberley Mall unveil plans to rejuvenate the town centre

Objective: To make Camberley one of the most attractive towns in the country

A long established objective of The Camberley Society has been to improve the quality of our local public space and infrastructure. We would like to see better street furniture – something with style and quality, more planting of trees, shrubs and flowers and more attention to the cleanliness and upkeep of public spaces

It is a fact that the UK Towns and Cities that have been voted “Most attractive” or “Best places to visit and shop” are noted for giving these issues a high priority.  Our aim is to help Camberley become one of that select group, a destination of choice and a town whose residents have a strong sense of civic pride.

We will be involved in all public consultations concerning new projects, e.g. the new Town Centre developments and will be actively canvassing all authorities concerned, with the aim of achieving these objectives.

If you share our views and would like to support our activities, please join the Society. You can be involved as much or little as you like. Just being a member increases the strength of the Society and the power of our submissions.

To see more about the Borough Council’s plans and video click on this image