The Camberley Society

Serving the Community since 1982

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Objective: To actively monitor and act on issues which are likely to have an impact on Camberley, its residents and its environment.

Site Allocations Development and Consultation

Surrey Heath Borough Council is preparing a Site Allocations Document which  will allocate specific areas of land within Surrey Heath for development such as housing, employment and retail uses. For a link to the Borough Council’s Site Allocations website pages click here

Surrey Heath
Borough Council

Links to the Borough Council’s website planning pages:

For Planning Policy/ Neighbourhood planning  click here

For Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) click here

For Planning applications

click here

The Community Infrastructure Levy came in for all planning applications in October 2014

Camberley Town Centre Statement

This Statement is a clear vision of how Surrey Heath Borough Council perceives the regeneration of Camberley becoming a reality. It lays out what the Council has envisioned for the Town Centre and how it proposes to make the town a foremost regional destination and one of the top 100 towns in the UK. For a link click here

For a link click here